
Hotel Skovgaard by Camilla Skovgaard preview

Last week at Factory PR, I had the pleasure of previewing  one of the most interesting, most peculiar shoe designers I have grown to appreciate and love, Camilla Skovgaard. I attended her event during New York Fashion Week, where they launched her fall campaign video shown above. The outlandish yet spine-chilling designs are not the the norm for everyday, which makes her heels perfect for pulling an ensemble out the of the ordinary-thinking-box. 

The name of her Fall collection resonates as Hotel Skovgaard, signifying a secret trait of the shoe designers life; she doesn't have a home, she lives in hotels as she combs the world for dark design culture and influences.

1 comment:

  1. i'm in love. i want them all. shoes are my weaknessss <3

    kaitlyn mccall
    www.frontrowmonthly.com (pg6)
